
: Global breakthrough by CH4 Global, a WIN portfolio company

19 june 2024

Global breakthrough by CH4 Global, a WIN portfolio company

Big news for WIN investors! Yesterday, one of our companies announced a breakthrough and set off on the path to creating a unicorn in our portfolio!

CH4 Global and their client CirPro (Australia) have released a report that the first commercial 100 day cattle trial of their proprietary Methane Tamer formula has now been a complete success!

Their proven patented formula not only blocks up to 90% of the most dangerous greenhouse gas - methane in the body of cattle, which are the biggest net polluter on the Planet, but also increases the yield of milk and meat. All this completely safe for animals.

This is the global breakthrough and proof we have been waiting for as investors!

CH4 Global's business model is perhaps one of the most unique on the planet, resulting from the extraordinary work and genius of founder Steve Meller and his Deep Tech and Biotech team.

CH4 Global's patented formula not only increases meat and milk yield and thus generates profit for livestock farmers, but simultaneously blocks the most potent and dangerous greenhouse gas in the animal's body and turns the livestock industry from the largest net producer of methane in the largest recipient of carbon certificates.

Thus, farmers significantly increase their profits while saving the future of humanity.

And for the CH4 Global company, this is an exceptional opportunity for global growth and a multi-billion dollar business with over 1.5 billion cattle on the Planet.

CH4 Global is a WIN portfolio company, along with 5 other fast growing companies.

See the official press release: