Initial Public Offering (IPO)

By becoming an investor in WIN through the Beam market
of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, you get:

Access for your money to the most developed markets of growing innovative companies in the world
Geographical diversification of your investments - virtually worldwide
Diversification of your investments across a variety of industries (see which ones)
The selection of WIN's investments (and your money) is made by the collective intelligence of hundreds of investors from around the world, so they become your consultants for successful investments, too.
Opportunity to invest your money - through WIN - in previously researched and selected companies. The selection and research process is the most transparent and among the most competitive ones in the world.
The "Finalist in Founders Games" status is an extraordinary success and great marketing for companies. It brings them media attention, investors, customers and partners, and further helps the success of the company and our WIN investment (self-fulfilling prophecy).

Initial Public Offering (IPO)

Summary of the Offering
IssuerWebit Investment Network EAD
Main activityAcquiring shares in start-up companies
New shares subject to offerUp to 5,588,000 dematerialized, registered, freely transferable and ordinary shares
Nominal value of 1 shareBGN 1
Issue price per shareBGN 1.05
Condition for issue successA minimum of 2 794 001 share
Order TypesLimited/market
Stock exchange code of the issueWIN1
Issue manager / BEAM market advisorIP Karoll AD
Offering durationOne trading session: 06.06.2022 from 09:30 A.M. until 02:00 P.M.
Registration of sharesProportional distribution over all registration requests
Date of IPO auction on the stock exchangeJune 6, 2022
1. Public Offering Announcement (doc) Download
2. Admission Document (pdf) Download
3. Appendices to the Admission Document
   3.1. Statement of Webit Investment Network EAD Capital’s Sole Owner (pdf) Download
   3.2. Agreement on Granting the Right to Make Investments (pdf) Download
   3.3. Interim Financial Report (pdf) Download
   3.4. Audit_Report (pdf) Download
   3.5. Council of Investors Rules of Operation (pdf) Download
   3.6. Statute (pdf) Download
   3.6. Appendix 7 to the Admission Document (xls) Download
4. Description of the BSE Аuction (pdf) Download

Read more on the page of the leading issue manager IP Karol AD

Presentation for Investors (2022)

Webit Investment Network presentation (pdf) Download