
: WIN portfolio company reports 746% growth in paid users in the first half of 2024

July 10, 2024

WIN portfolio company reports 746% growth in paid users in the first half of 2024

The series Good news for WIN portfolio companies continues Another WIN investment made in December 2023 - iSchool reports strong growth in the first half of 2024

The company's revenue for the first six months of the year reached $4.97M. In comparison, total revenue for the 12 months of 2023 was $3.47M, of which $1.6M was realized in the first half of last year. This represents an increase in revenue of more than 3.1 times if we compare the period of the first 6 months of 2023 against the same period of 2024.

As for the number of paid users, the statistics are impressive:

  • For five years since the company was founded (from 2018 to December 2023), the total number of paid users is 26,311.
  • In the first six months of 2024 alone, this number reached 57,024, representing a 746% increase over the same period in 2023.

A year and a half ago, ISchool won the status of a finalist at the Grand Finale of the Founders Games in Davos 2023 in competition with thousands of companies from around the world. WIN delayed its investment in the company by almost 1 year to ascertain the growth potential and invested only in December 2023, exercising its right of first refusal (ROFR) and at a valuation based on a 2022 turnover of $1, 87M. For 2024, the iSchool expects a total turnover of more than $8M, which is more than 4 times growth compared to the turnover on the basis of which the assessment and investment in it was made. The company is already generating profit.

iSchool will be the focus of the upcoming online meeting with WIN investors on July 18, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. 00 hours.

Darin Madzharov

Along with data about the company, during the online meeting we will also present you Investor of the Month of July, namely Mr. Darin Madzharov, co-founder of He is from the group of investors in WIN, which unites some of the most successful BG technology entrepreneurs. As a leading entrepreneur and expert in e-education, he is the perfect person to provide an accurate and in-depth assessment of the iSchool's business.

The first 50 people to register at will get direct access to the zoom room for the meeting between Mr. Madzharov and the host Dr. Plamen Rusev, and they will have the opportunity to ask their questions directly.

All other registered investors will be able to watch the live stream of the meeting and ask their questions during their registration. Registration for the event is now open at: