Компанията е най-големия оператор за прецизна полинация (опрашване) в света и предоставя SAAS услуга за осигуряване на бъдещето на глобалното продоволствие чрез спасяване на пчелите. 75% от хранителните култури зависят от пчелите за опрашване.
“Ако пчелите изчезнат от Земята, човешкият род ще има не повече от четири години живот."
A jump of tens of millions in revenue: The Israeli company that became the largest in the world
Israeli company BeeHero, the world leader in precision pollination, is celebrating a record year with a jump of tens of millions of shekels in revenue and is recruiting engineers...
Ice / November 19, 2024BeeHero launches Pollination Insight Platform 2.0 for data-driven pollination predictions and improved in-field monitoring across the globe
The updated sensing solution, already in use worldwide, enables first-of-its-kind, high resolution heat mapping of bee activity, and features improved sensing and pollinator monitoring capabilities that enable predictive models for pollination success.
Australian Rural & Regional News / July 31, 2024Beehero establishes regional headquarters in Australia, growing its local presence & supporting pollination of multiple
BeeHero, the pioneer of precision pollination, announced the establishment of its new regional headquarters in Australia as part of a...
Australian Rural & Regional News / June 4, 2024Webit Investment Network (BSE: WIN) подписа SAFE за $500'000 (903'000 лв) инвестиция в световния лидер за прецизно опрашване - BeeHero
Bulgarian venture capital firm Webit Investment Network [BUL:WIN] said on Thursday that it is investing $500000 (461680 euro) in...
Webit Investment Network / May 23, 2024BeeHero, the Israeli startup that developed an innovative honeycomb monitoring system
Agriculture is a giant global industry, but it depends 100% on a very small animal. The bees They are responsible for pollination, a process that makes agricultural production possible.
Aurora Israel / September 27, 2023