
: Here you can watch the full recording of the meeting with WIN investors: 2 YEARS WIN, held on 06/13/2024.

13 June 2024

Here you can watch the full recording of the meeting with WIN investors: 2 YEARS WIN, held on 06/13/2024.

In just 2 hours you will learn:

  • Trends in Global Venture Investment: An up-to-date look at global trends and the latest opportunities.
  • What distinguishes WIN on the Beam market: Find out why WIN has such great potential and what makes it unique in the market of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange.
  • WIN Portfolio: Meet the six companies WIN has invested in so far and find out why returns of 2.5x to over 10x are expected on these investments.


  • Analysis of the growth investment market such as asset class and trends.
  • What makes WIN a unique investment opportunity?
  • Up-to-date information on WIN's portfolio and successes of the individual companies in it.
  • Interview with Khaled Zaatara - founder and executive director of VUZ (last investment in the company made with SAFE by CAP  $100M. WIN invested a year ago at a valuation of $70M the amount of $900'000)
  • Conversation with Todor Zhelyazkov - the president and executive director of InHeart (WIN invests €200'000 in May 2024)
  • Questions from WIN shareholders and answers from Dr. Plamen Rusev.